How To Find The Google Business Profile ID

Last updated: Feb 25, 2024

how to find the google business profile ID

Why do you need the Google Business Profile ID?

The Google Business Profile ID can be used to identify your business when contacting support. Usually Google support would ask for it via email, chat, or phone. This short guide will quickly help you find the Google Business Profile ID.

How do I find the ID for the Google Business Profile

You can find the Google Business Profile ID in your Google Business Profile backend. 

Here is a short guide to find it:

1. Log in to and visit your Google Business Profile. If you’re already logged in, simply search for “my business” on Google.

visit google business profile

2. Click the 3-dot icon at the top right of your profile and choose “Business Profile settings”.

business information website

3. In the pop up window click “Advanced settings” where it says “See profile ID, manage labels, store codes and other settings.”

advanced business profile settings

4. If you want to copy the Google Business Profile ID, simply click on copy ID at the right.

advanced settings business profile ID

That’s it. This is how you find the Google Business Profile ID. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

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About the author

Picture of Tim Kahlert

Tim Kahlert

Tim Kahlert is a dedicated SEO expert who's been helping agencies and small business owners succeed on local search and Google Maps for the last 5 years. He's the founder and CEO of Tim frequently shares top-notch local SEO and Google Business Profile strategies on his channels. He also contributes to the Whitespark Local Search Ranking Factor Study. Click on his name or the social icons below to learn more and connect with Tim.

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